Inner/Ether: A Journey of Movement & Sound Hosted by Natalya & Cole
Sunday, December 22nd 2:30-4 pm
Daya Ridgewood
Find yourself as a garden – not only for its fruiting bloom, but for the fickle weed – as no love-laiden grove grows without them.
In an ever evolving blend of re-connective yin, breath-infused flow, sacred stillness and cosmic accompaniment Natalya and Faraday Temperament’s “Inner\Ether” series guides us through our cerebral gardens to pluck away what harms thy neighbor – alone – to let live the entropic dandelion. See not every earthy fissure – every lichened cobble as a nail before the hammer – and meet oneself as they are.
With a desire to challenge the assumed boundaries of traditional practice, Natalya welcomes us to explore beyond the mat and nurture a visceral need to wade deeply toward embodied intuition within our every gesture – guided all-the-while by instruction rooted in our present moment. Coiling the wrought beyond our tended garden gate; Faraday Temperament (Cole Raser) sets a celestial stage in bouts of improvisational synthesis and granular decay, meeting circumstance – if just for a moment – amidst the weeds of its own.
In a sun’s proverbial setting beyond a tender trestle, “Inner\Ether” concedes to our sub-conscious cultivations in an extended sound bath, inviting each and all to delight in fruits of their labor – as cosmic horizons set to intimate harmony. Let yourself to wallow in the tall-grass for tonight; chase blindly the distant outline of a bordered wood-scape and meet its nebulous undergrowth only once you’ve found yourself ready – never pruned of thankless moss and thistle, for what would it be without them.