Children’s Mindfulness Afterschool Program


Hosted by Conscious Development

At Conscious Development, our Children's Meditation Group is all about making mindfulness fun and accessible for young minds, specifically designed for children ages 5-10. We’ve thoughtfully crafted our program to include guided meditation and visualization, mindful listening, breathing exercises, creative expression, and dance, all in a way that’s super engaging and kid-friendly.

Meditation has so many benefits for children, like improving focus, self-awareness, and helping them find a sense of calm. It’s not just something we believe in—research backs it up too! Studies have shown that mindfulness can boost attention, social skills, behavior, and even academic performance in school-aged kids.

We’re passionate about introducing meditation to children early on because we know it helps them develop the tools they need to handle life’s challenges, stress, and emotions. By bringing mindfulness into their lives, we’re also helping to break long-standing cycles and build a healthier, more balanced future for them.

About Conscious Development

At Conscious Development, we are passionate about facilitating deep healing and transformation through the powerful practice of Trauma and Stress Release Breathwork. Our mission is to empower individuals to release past traumas, cultivate inner awareness, and embrace a life of conscious growth and development.


Founders Chansz and Mariusz have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of personal and collective healing. With extensive experience and a deep understanding of the intricate nature of trauma, they have created a safe and nurturing space for individuals to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing.Trauma Release Breath work is at the heart of our therapeutic approach. This powerful technique combines conscious breathing, somatic release, and emotional processing to help individuals release stagnant energy, access deep emotional wounds, and ultimately reclaim their personal power. Through this modality, we guide participants towards profound inner shifts, facilitating the release of trauma stored within the body, mind, and spirit.While our focus lies on providing trauma release breath work facilitations for adults, we firmly believe in the importance of generational healing.


With this in mind, we have also developed a unique Children's Meditation Group, which is lovingly facilitated by our extraordinary 9-year-old Bash. Bash, a remarkable 9-year-old facilitator and founder at Conscious Development, passionately teaches other children about the transformative power of meditation and meditative techniques. Bash creates a safe and inclusive space where children can freely explore their emotions, foster self-awareness, and cultivate resilience through the practice of meditation.

At Conscious Development, we believe in the holistic healing of both adults and children. We recognize that trauma impacts individuals across generations, and by addressing and releasing these wounds, we can create a positive ripple effect that transcends time.


Coming this October…

We’ve already teamed up with Spirituality Week and The Rubin Museum, and now we’re thrilled to announce our new collaboration with Daya Yoga, launching the Daya Kids program! If you’re a parent looking for guided meditation and visualization sessions for your child, we’re here to support you every step of the way. We can’t wait to connect with you and share this transformative journey!


3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - $300

4 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - $400

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